School of Enlightenment

A Unit of Trishuldhari Smrity Sansthan

+91 9631456981



School Diary is signed by Vice Principal/Asst. Principal or their responsible delegates. School begins with the Morning Assembly and students must be present in it on time. Every student must have a copy of the School Calendar and it must be brought to school on every class day.

No remark, once written in the diary, can be cancelled by anyone other than the Principal/Vice-Principal/Asst. Principal. Every student must possess an identity card be issued by the school. This card is renewed every year. No student will be allowed to leave the school campus during school hours, without proper authorization or emergency call. Students are to address their teachers and all members of the school staff with due respect and politeness.

On their way to and from school, students must behave in a gentle manner. Smoking, chewing pan, chewing gum, betel-nut or tobacco, etc. is strictly forbidden. Students are not allowed to bring two-wheelers to school. Expensive and fancy electronic gadgets (cell phones, watches, toys, digital diaries, calculators, curios etc.) must not be brought to school. Stylish haircuts are not permitted.

Any damage to school property is to be made good by the student concerned. No books, periodicals, comics, newspaper or printed matter of an objectionable nature, CDs, DVDs, pen drives or any other mass storage device can be brought in the school. All printed material (except those mentioned in the school book-list), when brought in the school, must be presented to the Principal /Vice Principal /Asst. Principal for approval and may be retained in the school and read only if it bears the signature of one of these authorities. The school authorities have the right to search the bags of the students at any time, without any prior notice and hesitation.

Students are responsible for the safe custody of their own books and belongings. Each article should be marked with the student's name.
a) Every student is expected to subscribe towards small school shows and local charities, if authorized by the Principal.
b) No collections or fines or funds are to be made in the school without the explicit permission of the Principal.
Every student attending school is obliged to take part in the co-curricular activities organized by the school. For students of classes 9 - 10, active participation in any one of the Youth Groups/Clubs is recommended. Students must speak only in English in the school campus. Those found speaking in vernacular at any time even on holidays will have marks deducted from the English language paper and will be given a general observation as well.


1. Boys should look upon their school mates as Brothers and upon their Teachers and Superiors as Fathers/Mothers.
2. Respect every teacher, whether of your own class or not. Be grateful towards those who taught you in the past. Show your teachers those exterior signs of reverence to which they are entitled, such as, greeting them whenever you meet them.
3. Be convinced that your teachers deeply feel their serious obligation of promoting your welfare in the best way they possibly can, and that in advising, commanding and correcting you, they have nothing else in view but your own good.
4. After piety study is most praiseworthy. Therefore, your first occupation must consist in doing the tasks assigned to you by your teachers.
5. Always rise when your teachers enter the class and again when they leave. If they delay in coming do not make any noise, but wait for them in your places in silence reviewing your lesson or reading some good book.
6. During class, avoid whispering or interrupting.


1. Strive to edify your school mates, by your good example, at all time. In fact no sermon is more efficacious than good example.
2. Never make fun of those who are backward in their studies or not so quick to grasp their lessons. Let there be no ridiculing of any one on account of his physical defect. What you laugh at or despise in others may someday befall you.
3. Gladly help one another at recreation; make no distinction in the choice of your companions. Let no one be slighted in any game and let there be no selfishness. If there be need to make a sacrifice for the sake of the team, let it be made cheerfully.
4. When you are asked by a superior regarding the conduct of some of your companions, answer to the best of your knowledge especially when it is a matter of preventing or remedying some evil. To be silent would not be beneficial to your companion and would be offensive to God. Always avoid exaggeration and speak truthfully.


1. To write or draw on the chalk board (except when called upon to do so), to write offensive words, to soil walls or maps or anything else, are things absolutely to be avoided.
2. Take great care of your text-books, copy books and other belongings. Beware of appropriating your neighbor’s property, even if it be the smallest thing. Should you find a lost article, give it at once to the Vice Principal.
3. Keep the floor clean by allowing no paper or ink to fall on it. Cleanliness and purity of soul are reflected by a clean and neat exterior.
4. Speak well of your mates, or of the discipline or management of the school. Everyone is perfectly free to remain or not to remain in the school.
5. Always speak well of your school and of your teachers.
6. Performances on the stage of the school auditorium are permitted for your instruction and entertainment. They should help to bring out the fine qualities of your heart and mind.
7. Attend all performances cheerfully and be grateful to your superiors for such opportunities.
8. To enter the auditorium in a hurry or even to run the risk of hurting your companions, to try to go ahead of others in order to secure a better seat, to stand when you should be seated, to shout, to whistle, to boo or hiss, or in any other way give evidence of disapproval or dislike, are things absolutely to be avoided.
9. Do not ridicule any one for his mistakes or awkwardness. When the curtain is closed, applaud generously but not boisterously.
10.Be gentle even when things have not been according to your taste or as perfect as you expected them to be.
11.While leaving the auditorium, do not push or shove one another. Go out in an orderly manner.
12. Speak well of all, think well of all, do good to all.