1. Absence from the school without leave is not accepted, except when the cause is sudden illness or unforeseen circumstances, in which case information must be given at the earliest.
2. After an absence from the class/school, the reason for the same must be entered briefly by the parent in the calendar, under 'Absent' of the Regularity in Record. Reasons of a personal nature may be submitted through a letter.
3. If an unauthorized absence from school exceeds 15 calendar days, the student's name may be struck off the rolls and he may not be re-admitted in the school.
4. An absence due to illness for two or more days, besides being entered in the Regularity Record under 'Absent', must be accompanied by a doctor's prescription. For an absence of three or more days, a 'Leave' must be taken from school.
5. Leave for religious ceremonies or special occasions must be obtained beforehand. However, no average marks will be given if one avails of this leave.
6. Remit of absence for reasons as birthdays, excursions, festivals, wedding, time to study for an examination, is not considered sufficient.
7. A leave granted, must be recorded under 'Leave', of the Regularity in Record in the calendar. This must be signed by the Vice- Principal/Asst. Principal on returning to school; the ‘Leave Sanctioned’ must be counter signed by the Vice/Asst. Principal.
8. Early Departure: It is availed when there is an emergency at home or when a student gets sick in the school. It is not granted to those who come from home, sick.
9. In case a child falls sick or meets with any accident in the school premises, he can be helped with immediate first aid only. The parents will be informed and are expected to come and attend to their ward immediately. It is important to inform to the school in writing, about any change in the phone numbers and residential address of the parents.
10. Late arrival at school is a breach of discipline. A student who comes late to school, must enter the date and time of arrival in the Regularity in Record, under'Late'.
11. Five late arrivals will result in a 'Parents' Call'. Ten late arrivals will invoke suspension from the school.
12. Re-admission to class, for absentees and late-comers, is granted when they show the teacher in charge the Regularity in Record, duly counter-signed by the Principal /Vice Principal/Asst. Principal.
13. It is essential for the students of classes 9th& 10thto have 95% of attendance to be able to appear for the Final and Pre-Board examination.
14. It is mandatory for a student to attend the school on day’s marked 'compulsory attendance'. Defaulters will invite a penalty as decided by the Principal. The last class day before any major vacation and the first class day after every major vacation are days of compulsory attendance. In case of sickness/eventualities, the matter must be notified to the Principal/Vice Principal/Asst. Principal with relevant documents on the same day.